- ABATZIS Takis, Poseidon Hotel, Greece
- ADAMANTOPOULOU Sofia, L'Oreal Hellas, Greece
- AGKYRIDI Eleni, Hellenic Travelling, Greece
- ALEXIADOU Terpsi, EY ZHN Journeys, Greece
- ALEXIADOU Kornilia, Semeli Winnery S.A., Greece
- AMIRAS George, "Menoume Ellada" - ERT, Greece
- ANAPLIOTI Flor, Regional Development Agency of Oia, Santorini, Greece
- ANASTASIADOU Dimitra, New York College, Greece
- ANDROULIDAKI Lia, EFG Eurobank Ergasias, Greece
- ANDRUFF Ronald N., Trialliance Corporation, USA
- ANGELOPOULOU Maria, Xenia S.A., Greece
- ANTONIOU Thanassis, Boussias Communications, Greece
- ANTYPA Marialena, Exporama, Greece
- APOSTOLIDIS George, Management Consultant, Greece
- ARGIRI Byron, Conceptours, Greece
- ARGYROPOULOU Evi, Almos Travel Ltd., Greece
- ARKOUMANEAS Panayiotis, Financial Advisor of the Mayor of Athens, Greece
- ARNAOUTOGLOU Eleftheria, Technological Educational Institute of Athens, Greece
- ARVANITIS Dimitris, Divanis Chain Hotels, Greece
- ASIMINAKI Anna, Rhodos Palace Hotel S.A., Greece
- AVLONITI Tania, Hellenic Foreign Trade Board "Kerasma", Greece
- BARBOUTIS Georgios, Mediterranean Hotel & Rodos Palace Resort and International Convention Center, Greece
- BECKERS Lode, Lobo N.V. Eurostrategies, Belgium
- BENNETT James, Indiana Purdue University, USA
- BOGRIS Vassilis, Xenios Travel Media, Greece
- BOKIAS Alekos, Domaine Lazaridi, Greece
- CHALARIS Georgios, Community of Oia, Greece
- CHATZIPETROU Katerina, Hellenic Foreign Trade Board "Kerasma", Greece
- CHRISTODOULAKIS Christos, Eurostar S.A. / Travel Plan, Greece
- CHRISTODOULOU Natalia, EFG Eurobank Ergasias, Greece
- CHRYSANTHACOPOULOS Poly, Art's Center, Greece
- DACHTILIDIS Nikolaos, IST - University of Hertfordshire, Greece
- DALIAKAS Stavros, Aegean Airlines, Greece
- DAMALA Panagiota, EY ZHN Journeys, Greece
- DAVIDSON Rob, University of Westminster, U.K.
- DEL PILAR SANDOVAL Irene, Spice World Travels, Greece
- DEMITRIADOU Sophie, Alba Graduate Business School, Greece
- DERIZIOTIS Nikolaos, Money & Tourism Magazine, Greece
- DESIPRIS Antonis, Tourism Market Magazine, Greece
- DIAMANTATOS Gerassimos, BCA Hospitality & Tourism, Greece
- DIAMANTIS Tzeni, Hellenic Travelling, Greece
- DIAMANTOPOULOU Elina, New York College, Greece
- DIDASKALOU Georgia, Community Business of Nimfaio, Greece
- DIMITRIADIS Dimitris, "Metro" Newspaper, Greece
- DIONYSOPOULOU Dina, Exhibit Magazine, Greece
- DOUCAS Constantinos, Doucas Travel Collection, Greece
- DOUKAS Alexis, Astir Palace Complex Hotel, Greece
- DOUSSA Maria, Greek Open University, Greece
- DOUVAS Loukas, Attica Hotels Union, Greece
- DOW Carolyn, The Dow Consultancy, U.K.
- DRAKOPOULOS George, Association of Greek Tourism Enterprises, Greece
- DROGGITI Fay, Semeli Winnery S.A., Greece
- FOKAS Gerassimos, Hellenic Chamber of Hotels, Greece
- FOKIANOU Christina, Silver Rocks Hotel, Greece
- FOSKOLOU Marilena, Greek National Tourism Organization, Greece
- FOTIADIS Panagiotis, G. Karachristos S.A., Greece
- FRAGOUDAKI Alexandra, Training and Conference Centre of the National Bank of Greece, Greece
- FULDBY OLSEN Anne, Almos Travel Ltd., Greece
- GAITANIS Averkis, Representative of Municipality of Milos, Greece
- GIANIOTIS Spiros, Hellenic Travelling, Greece
- GIANNITSIOTI Katerina, Arete Tours, Greece
- GIKAS Christos, Spice World Travels, Greece
- GIOUPI Flora, Money & Tourism Magazine, Greece
- GIOURI Electra, Aegean Airlines, Greece
- GIOUSBASOGLOU Charalambos, Organisation of Tourism Education and Training, Greece
- GRAPSAS Thanos, J. Grapsas S.A., Greece
- HATZIYIANNAKIS George, Owner Selene Restaurant, Greece
- HIDIROGLOU Elisavet, Synedrio Magazine, Greece
- HJI-AVGOUSTIS Sotiris H., Indiana Purdue University, USA
- IOANNIDOU Konstantia, Tourismo Club, Greece
- KALIVI Despoina, G. Karachristos S.A., Greece
- KALLIONTZI Mandy, Aldemar Hotels & Spa, Greece
- KAMARITI Sophia, A. Kamaritis & Assocciates, Greece
- KANTSOS Manousos, Milos Conference Center - George Eliopoulos, Greece
- KAPARAKI Marianthi, Aegean Airlines, Greece
- KARACHRISTOS Georgios, G. Karachristos S.A., Greece
- KARAGOUNIS Konstantinos, Synedrio Magazine, Greece
- KARAMANOS Georgios, Athens International Airport, Greece
- KARANASOU Anastasia, Semeli Winnery S.A., Greece
- KARANASOU Fay, None, Greece
- KARANTZAVELOU Vicky, Travel Daily News, Greece
- KINDINI Eleni, Organisation of Tourism Education and Training, Greece
- KOKKA Victoria, Greece
- KOKKONIS Christos, Tourism Market Magazine, Greece
- KOKOTOS Anne, Semeli Winnery S.A., Greece
- KONSTANTARAS Konstantinos, Hellenic Sun Editions, Greece
- KONSTANTAS Serge, Business Consultant, Greece
- KONSTANTINIDIS Kostas, Heliotopos Group, Greece
- KONTOS Vassilis, Hellenic Connections S.A., Greece
- KOSTARAS Tasos, Eurostar S.A. / Travel Plan, Greece
- KOUMANIS Nikos, Xenia S.A., Greece
- KOUMANIS Tasos, Association of Greek Exhibition & Conferences Organisers, Greece
- KOUMANTOU Rena, S&B Industrial Minerals S.A., Greece
- KOUMELIS Theodoros, Travel Daily News, Greece
- KOUNELIS Marios, Hotel Helmos Kalavrita, Greece
- KOUNTOUROUPI Eleni, Aegialis Hotel & Tours, Greece
- KOURIS Alexandros, PRC Group, Greece
- KOUSOUNIS Stathis, "Menoume Ellada" - ERT, Greece
- KOUTOULAS Dimitris, Tourism and Marketing Consultant, Greece
- KOUTRAFOURI Katerina, Domaine Lazaridi, Greece
- KRASAKI Charoula, Exhibit Magazine, Greece
- KRITAKI Vasileia, Prefecture of Chios, Greece
- LALOUMIS Dimitris, Technological Educational Institute of Athens, Greece
- LaVIOLETTE Bill, Incentives and Meetings International, France
- LAZOURA Chrysoula, Boussias Communications, Greece
- LIAGAS Evangelos, Liaga Bros Ltd, Greece
- LIAKOPOULOS Michali, I.E.K. "Xini", Greece
- LIKOU Apostolia, Prefecture of Chios, Greece
- LIOLIOS Yiannis, Eurostar S.A. / Travel Plan, Greece
- LIONAKI Christina, Minoa Palace Resort Hotel de luxe, Greece
- LIRISTI Roula, Domaine Lazaridi, Greece
- LOGARIDOU Stella, Albatross Hotel, Greece
- LUHRMAN Deborah, World Tourism Organisation, Spain
- LYGEROS Nikos, Elounda S.A., Greece
- MAEBE Yves, Ibis El Greco, Greece
- MAGLARA Angeliki, Greece
- MAKRIS Panagis, University of Surrey, Greece
- MALAKOU Christina, Exhibit Magazine, Greece
- MALAMATENIOU Koula, Kalamies Hotel, Greece
- MANIRAS Kostas, Zita Travel Consultants Ltd, Greece
- MANOLARAKI Katerina, Tourism Market Magazine, Greece
- MANOUSOU Margarita, Tourism Market Magazine, Greece
- MARINAKOU Evangelia, Greece
- MAROUTSOS George, Zita Travel Consultants Ltd, Greece
- MASTORAS Georgios Marios, Prefecture of Corfu, Greece
- MASTOROS Ioannis, Venos Travel Agency, Greece
- MATTHIDIS Andreas, Domaine Lazaridi, Greece
- MAVROIDI Vasso, Aegean Airlines, Greece
- MAVROMMATIS Andreas, Boussias Communications, Greece
- MICHAILIDES Dimitris, European Culinary Heritage Network, Greece
- MICHAILIDIS Ioannis, Hospitality & Tourism Ltd, Greece
- MICHAILIDIS Michail, Greek National Tourism Organization, Greece
- MICHOPOULOS Jason, Kivotos Hotel, Greece
- MINTZA Vassiliki, AKS Hotels, Greece
- MIRALIOTIS Ioannis, Business Architect, Greece
- MITSOU Vassilis, Intermed Travel Consultants, Greece
- MUSCO Rodolfo, Motivation and Events, Italy
- NIELSEN Philip, Creative Marketing, Greece
- NIKOLAKOPOULOU Georgia, Afea Travel & Tourism S.A., Greece
- NTOUSSIAS Georgios, Hellenic Travelling, Greece
- ODUNGA Pius Ongoro, Moi University, Kenya
- PAGKALOU Marianna, Tourist Board of Saint-Etienne - Tourist Board & Convention Bureau, Greece
- PALAKIDIS Apostolos, Thraki Palace Hotel & Conference Center, Greece
- PANAGIOTOPOULOS Chris, La Greca D.M.C., Greece
- PAPADEA Evangelia, Greece
- PAPAGIANNIS Theodoros, Summit Exploring, Greece
- PAPAIOANNOU Irene, Metropol Hotel, Greece
- PAPANASTASIOU Anastasios, Liaga Bros Ltd, Greece
- PAPANIKOLAOU Lila, Paros Philoxenia Hotel, Greece
- PAPAZOGLOU Anna, Prefectural Local Authorities of Rodopi-Evros, Greece
- PAPPAS Vasileios, Center of Business and Technological Development Epirus, Greece
- PAPPAS (CITE) Tasso, President of SITE - Greek Chapter, Greece
- PAVLAKI Flora, Chroma Hotel, Greece
- PAVLIOTI Filitsa, Aegean Airlines, Greece
- PEREIRA Linda, CPL Events, Portugal
- PERISSAKI Teti, Hellenic Foreign Trade Board "Kerasma", Greece
- PHOTOPOULOS Photis, Metropolitan DMC, Greece
- PHUTKARADZE Maia, Hotel Matina & Iliovimata Travel, Greece
- PLIGOS John, Alpine Center for Hotel & Tourism Management Studies, Greece
- PREKAS Grigoris, Nissiotiko Hotel, Greece
- PSAROUDAKIS Manousos, Minos Mare Hotel, Greece
- PSARROS Manolis, The Athens Tourism and Economic Development Agency, Greece
- RAGOU Natassa, Boussias Communications, Greece
- REBER Katerina, Tourism Market Magazine, Greece
- REPAPI Toula, New York College, Greece
- ROUSSIDOU Christina, Thraki Palace Hotel & Conference Center, Greece
- SADOPOULOS Stefanos, Aegean Airlines, Greece
- SALTERIS Emmanouil, Oasis Studios, Greece
- SAWE Josphat Belsoy, Moi University, Kenya
- SEIMENI Mania, Exhibit Magazine, Greece
- SFIKA Stamatina, Olympic Airways, Greece
- SIDIPOROULOS Alexandros, I.E.K. "Xini", Greece
- SIGALA Vassiliki, Hotel Matina & Iliovimata Travel, Greece
- SIMOU Marika, Tsalis Tours, Greece
- SKOURAS Evangelos, Greek National Tourism Organization, Greece
- STAMATOPOULOS Kostis, Summit Exploring, Greece
- STATHOPOULOS Giorgos, Aegean Airlines, Greece
- STATHOPOULOU Theodora, Mediterranean Palace Hotel, Greece
- STUDENKO Lara, Alpine Center for Hotel & Tourism Management Studies, Greece
- TABAK Robert, Wine Tourism Specialist, Belgium
- TATALIA Persa, Eurostar S.A. / Travel Plan, Greece
- TEPPER Bruce, Joselyn, Tepper and Associates Inc., USA
- THEODORIDIS Panos, Kivotos Hotel, Greece
- THEODOROPOULOS Michail, IST - University of Hertfordshire, Greece
- THEOHARAKIS Vassilis, Alba Graduate Business School, Greece
- THIAKODIMITRIS Gerasimos, Greece
- TRIANTAFILLOU Mary-Irene, President of the Association "Greek Women of Wine", Greece
- TRIANTAFILLOU Anna, I.E.K. "Xini", Greece
- TRIFONA Vicky, Tourism Report Magazine, Greece
- TRIVELLAS Ioannis, IST - University of Hertfordshire, Greece
- TRIVIZAS Ilias, Golden Beach Hotel, Greece
- TSAGDIS Leontios, Eurostar S.A. / Travel Plan, Greece
- TSANTOULI-KALABOKA Panagiota, Sea View Hotel S.A., Greece
- TSAPAKI Anna, Pigasos S.A., Greece
- TSAVALA Marianthi, New York College, Greece
- TSELIKA Ioanna, The Athens Tourism and Economic Development Agency, Greece
- TSIAVOS Ioannis, Center of Business and Technological Development Epirus, Greece
- TSITSIBIKOU Renia, "Menoume Ellada" - ERT, Greece
- TSITSIRIGGOU Eleni, IST - University of Hertfordshire, Greece
- TSOCHAS Georgios, Scape Travel, Greece
- TSOGKAS Michalis, PRC Group, Greece
- TSOMPANLIOTI Maria, Gong Hospital, Greece
- TSOUKALA Maria, Tourismo Club, Greece
- TZERACHOGLOU Ioanna, Porto Carras Grand Resort, Greece
- TZIFAKI Margarita, Intermed Travel Consultants, Greece
- VALSAMAKI Efstratia, CERAM Sophia Antipolis, Greece
- VANNESTE Maarten, Abbit Meeting Support, Belgium
- VARDI Marialena, Hellenic Travelling, Greece
- VASILEIOU Dimitrios, Activeway Ltd, Greece
- VASSILAKI Ourania, Greek Open University, Greece
- VASSILAKIS Dimitris, Sbokos DMC S.A., Greece
- VLACHOU Eleni, Aegean Airlines, Greece
- VOGLI Anna, S&B Industrial Minerals S.A., Greece
- VORILLAS Athina, The Athens Tourism and Economic Development Agency, Greece
- VOUIDASKI Maria, Greek National Tourism Organization, Greece
- VOULGARIS Emmanuel, Milos Conference Center - George Eliopoulos, Greece
- VOURNA Eleni, Organisation of Tourism Education and Training, Greece
- VRIONIS Tassos, Aegean Airlines, Greece
- ZOGRAFOS George, EY ZHN Journeys, Greece
- ZOUGRIS Spyros, The Tourism Report, Greece
Last update: 24 October 2007 |
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